Hi Everyone,
I know I'm late in posting but what can I say......I have no excuse. Really. Not a single one. (Does lazy count as a valid excuse?) I didn't even make it to church this morning and still didn't find the time to post. But I'm here now and I finally have the gingerbread link! :)
I made a boy set and a girl set and thought the boy set looked a little bit like he was wearing a diaper so I also made a nekkid set :)
First though....I know, "Shut up Rusty and give us the link already" :P.....I want to give you guys the Christmas like flowers that I made. I don't know what kind of flowers they are. They are not pointsettias.....cause pointsettias just dont look like this....but they are flowers.....and they are felt......and they are being given away with the Christmas Bits.....so that makes them Christmas flowers :) Still with me??? Okay, then here they are..........
Download Part 11
And once again, you can pick up Part 10 over on Nettas blog! Netta is also having a 50% off sale on her entire store right now so be sure to check that out while you can! :)
I'm working on the other pieces and will get those posted for you all soon.....or I'll sit here being lazy and do nothing......it could pretty much go either way at this point :P
So til later everyone,
God Bless,